Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Embracing the elements

Rifling way in a mountain of my stored away sketchbooks; I discovered this ink drawing. I am really fond of the style and the characterisation. The sketchbook was a short project on how we 'charactarize,' images, drawings and even actors. I think it was after watching 'Lemony Snicket,' which I was really shocked to discover wasn't directed or animated by Tim Burton.
And then for a reflection on the sheer power of the human brain, and the assurance that their are still Einsteins in the world ; Theo Jansen, an amazing kinetic sculptor, please watch this he is incredible.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Attatched to the Orient

An Ode to strange inspirations; my obsession with japanese drawings has driven me to purchase this beautiful dress off ebay. Bit of an e-bay noobie, I am eagerly awaiting the beautiful pattern which I can both pour over and wear. (perfect)

I Had to post about this legendary artist. Xenz is an inspirational graffitti artist based in the uk, he has a current exhibition in Bristol which looks fantastic. His murals are beautiful and his newer work on antique objects is really worth a look at. All his work is up at

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Nostalgia, a funny thing.

As a person who battles with herself on a regular basis, I find it very easy to dismiss work especially when it has recieved critiscm. I'm an overthinker and a sporadic creator, disorganized, hopelessley romantic, all in all an artist through to the bone. My obsessions with old books spark, I think from a hunger for literature which I had as a child. My imaginary dinner party would hold guests such as roald dahl, quentin blake, gulliver from lilliput, the insects from james and the giant peach, the famous five, alice and of course pantamilion and Lyra. These are images from my fondest projects, one that I am really just coming to terms with almost a year later. The creation of an entire world inside one musty boot. I hope you enjoy my crazy meanderings. Any questions, please ask I will be flattered.

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